Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home remedy to acne

« ...You may also opt to undergo a TCA CROSS procedure in which each independent pit is spot treated using trichloroacetic acid. This acid is placed just on the inside of the acne scar causing the collagen in your skin to flare up and push the pit back up to the surface level....
...Dehydration is a cause for poor skin conditions. Skin that is too dry will cause spots and pimples that will make your complexion a lot worse than it should be. Skin needs to be supple, and your body needs to be hydrated for you to have supple skin. Hydration gives your skin enough moisture so it doesn't become too dry. Dry skin causes your skin to produce more oil which causes more spots....»
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«...One little problem - pimple and acne cream comes in like a gazillion different brands. How do you choose the right one? By color? By smell? How about packaging - surely the one with the cool applicator would be the best for the money... just kidding!...»
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tags: food that causes acne pimples, don't have pcos will spironolact help clear my acne, acne free moisturizer

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