Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pediactric dermatology acne treatments

« ...Although a complete understanding of what causes acne has not yet been achieved, the accepted belief is the condition results from pockets of bacteria which form in and around the hair follicle. The underlying cause of this formation is the part of the medical research which is ongoing. In order to get rid of acne, each aspect of the cause must be understood and treated successfully. On a positive note, each step in understanding means more opportunity to treat and conquer at least part of the symptom which causes the visible appearance....
...Whiteheads develop as the result of the blocking of a pore in your skin. Sebum (oil), dead skin cells and bacteria, which would normally be expelled through the pore, build up and form that white appearance. Whiteheads often dry up and disappear by themselves, while blackheads tend to be more persistent. With a blackhead the pore is only partially blocked, and therefore partially drains. Hence, it tends not to burst and and lasts for a longer period of time. The black spot is not caused by dirt but by a reaction with the melanin pigment in the skin....»
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«...This is the main reason that people feel inflammation of acne during stressful periods. Under stress one may also experience pus-filled papules....»
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tags: endometrial ablation help acne, get rid of pimples and acne in 3 days, 15 percent benzoyl peroxide acne wash

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