Monday, August 4, 2008

Oral pills for acne and fight acne

When you find an acne blemish, thinking about squeezing it should not be your first option. Squeezing a pimple at first sight, in the hopes of eradicating it prior to anyone else can seeing it, normally makes the situation worse. If a pimple has formed a head, though, then it should be squeezed and the pressure relieved so that it can heal.
Drink more water. Water cleanses the body and helps to flush out the bacteria that is the cause of acne. Drinking up to eight glasses a day will aid in detoxifying your system so acne has less of a chance to show itself.
When it comes to treating acne the first thing to remember is that you need to take care of your health as a whole. I always prefer natural treatments - granted they may take a little longer to take effect but when you have a more holistic approach your odds of overcoming the cause is far greater hence acne does not come back to haunt you in the future, unless of course you start stuffing your face with pitza and chocolate cake.
tags: natural cure for acne due to food allergies, acne pregnancy, homemade acne scar treatment

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